I thought I would share with you a bit about the person who hopes their writings and reflections will become a part of your life.
I was born in Vancouver, Canada and currently reside on Vancouver island. Despite the rain and cold and inevitable S.A.D, I wouldn’t choose to live anywhere else. I have a degree in Anthropology and Psychology and am a counselor with a non profit organization in my community. I am a yoga practitioner and teacher, a Buddhist (more than anything else) and an observer of lunar and seasonal shifts. I am forever evolving and studying with various teachers who speak to me, and will share my learning with you through my writing, and through my resource section. I experience depression and anxiety and have worked in mental health and addictions for the last few years. I am a sober lady and I am an avid pursuer of all things spiritual. I am currently receiving teachings on nutrition, movement practice, solar and lunar energies, and Ayurveda. I travel often, sometimes months long to dramatically different spots, and sometimes weekends to little nooks around beautiful Vancouver Island.
My intention is to write a post once per week and, if all goes smoothly, have it posted for you on Sundays. I intend to post reflections of past and present in relation to sobriety, mental health, and spirituality.
I hope to post relatable content that is at times comical and/or inspiring. I also want this to be a place to share experience and strength and encourage you to comment on site or contact me. In hopes of creating a safe place for all, I ask that when contributing, you pass your words through these wise filters. “…[I]s it kind, is it necessary, is it true?”