I came up against a lot this week. I was met with some of my trauma and my demons, I was presented with unique work challenges that impacted my sense of personal freedom, and I did some adulting that brought up some fear. I hit a space where my system was overloaded and I couldn’t function well.
I lost sleep, fought to take care of my basic needs, and felt fairly isolated in my beautiful Mexican apartment. I’ve been observing myself and reflecting for a long time. It is an inherent part of who I am, and my pursuit to “fix” myself is an ongoing and unwavering one. I think it has likely morphed from an asset to a detriment, or at the least it fluctuates between the two.
Anyways, as my mind created stories, made assumptions, got caught between cycles of righteous anger and crippling shame, I felt like I was drowning in uncertainty and fear. However, there was also another part of me active. The part that was observing the unhelpful thoughts, attempting to introduce alternative views, making suggestions to use the various tools I have added to my belt over the years. It was equally powerful, but it came with so much judgment.
I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I shouldn’t need so much. I should know how to better ask. I shouldn’t need to ask. I should be able to take care of this myself. I should know what to do. I should be less selfish. I should be more compassionate. I shouldn’t have put myself in this position. And on and on it goes.
Through all this angst, I could not find my feet. It took days. It took a sleepless night weeping and beating up my mattress for me to break. It took the kind and supportive voices of several friends before I could ground myself enough to benefit from the other tools at my disposal.
In hindsight, I see that my issue is nothing external. There will always be stressors that trigger things in me. I have a low threshold for discomfort and have internalized a lot of things in my life as trauma. I can be spun into an unmanageable emotional space quite quickly and, despite years of searching, I still do not know how to adequately self regulate. And that, my friends, is my biggest struggle.
I bring that energy into my connections, whether it be leaning on the support of those who can hold space or requesting support from those who can’t. While I so value having people in my life who will walk me through it when things feel unbearable (THANK YOU!), I think I finally get that I can’t rely on it. I need something bigger. I need something internal. I need less shoulds and more self compassion. I need to give myself space to walk through to the other side in the company of my higher self, my younger self, my wounded self.
It’s weird to have the knowledge in my brain, but not the recognition of its truth in my body. I’ve known this is what I’ve needed, but I couldn’t quite see what it meant. I couldn’t quite internalize it. I know its perilous even now, but I’ve had a glimpse of clarity and have some hope for the future of anxious nights.
If you feel like sharing some of your regulating tools, I would love to hear them. Wherever you are in the world and whatever your unique challenges, I wish you strength, clarity and all the self love you can muster to walk you through.