My friend asked me today why I don’t share when I’m struggling. I’ve spent a decent amount of today pondering this very thing. I told myself that my muddied mind and heavy heart wouldn’t be able to effectively communicate anything of value. He suggested that the reminder that we are human and can rely on the support of others is a powerful message in itself. I know this to be true. Most of you would likely argue THAT to be the whole foundation of this blog you sit down with periodically. It was my intention when I started it, to share openly about mental health in order to destigmatize and open dialogue. Here I am waiting until the storm passes instead of getting vulnerable.
I think there is wisdom in waiting, especially in this format where a bleeding heart for an unknown audience could be unskillful. But in the company of others with similar struggles, friends who are likeminded, it doesn’t make so much sense to be guarded. So, I ask myself, what’s going on?
I think the root of it is fear. I don’t want people to see my struggle to find my own self worth and realize I’m really not worthy. I don’t want the people who easily identify and judge struggles within themselves to then hold mine against me. I struggle to love myself when I can’t dig myself out of my sore spots, I’ve been surrounded by criticism, and witness to so much judgement. I don’t know how to believe that people can love you even in your weeds.
When I don’t have a relationship with people, it doesn’t matter. I’ll share anything, I have nothing to lose. Maybe that’s why it’s easy for me to send these thoughts out into the void. But when I care. When I fear the end of a relationship, a loss. I can’t handle it. It overwhelms. It hurts.
I’m trying to take this awareness and explore what it might be like to share it. To sit with the person who triggered things within me and speak it. Honour it. But when I can’t be consoled. When I need to work through it on my own regardless. When I need to sit with the feelings and find a way to transform them for myself. Is there really value in airing the dirty laundry? Putting your aching heart forward for people to hold in whatever light they wish? Is that intimacy? Is that vulnerability? Is this how people deepen relationship? Is there a time when this becomes safe? Are there people in which to do so IS safe? People that will hold space and really adore you anyways?
Maybe there’s only one way to find out.