I’ve decided that this week I’m going to give a little hodge podge of information culminating in a raving author review. Partly because it’s most authentic to me at this moment, but also partly because it is the state of my focus as I’ve either been fighting a cold, or living with allergies this whole past week.
SO, first on the docket. This past Monday my sweet little fur baby succumbed to pats. I thought I felt, or heard, the slightest resemblance of a purr as I gave him tentative pats while feeding him. Turned out I was right and he started head butting me for more. It quickly turned into a cuddle session with what seemed like an entirely different cat. He rolled around, snuggled up on me and nestled into my arms. Since that moment, we have had daily snuggles, his purrs have gotten stronger and louder, and his startle response is some what subdued. He still sometimes hisses, and runs away if I try to pat him any time outside of hand feeding, but the progress is undeniable and exciting.
Second, I’d like to acknowledge my upcoming departure for New York City. I leave at 4am on Thursday and arrive in NYC around 4pm. My wonderful beau and his colleague are going to pick me up and wisk me away to Peekskill, a town about an hour north of Manhattan. Our time is already jam packed with adventures and I know it’ll be an exciting time. I don’t tend to get very excited until I land wherever I’m going, but I AM excited to see Bryan. It’s been about a month since he stopped through Nanaimo, and I miss his sweetness!
I am used to being a solo traveller so I’m both excited and nervous to have a companion. I know I’ll struggle a bit with control, as I have such a short time in such a overwhelming place, and I want to make sure I enjoy it fully and see what I wish to see. But I’m also excited to be safe, to have someone to share it with, and to have built in connections in the area when I land. And the more we discuss things, the more I see we’re on the same page so I expect that all will be well, and plan to share all about it on here over the next two weekends! Stay tuned!
Last, I just want to share with you an author who has consumed my reading life over the last couple months. It was recommended by one of my mentors that I read The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill. I devoured it and shortly after found 2 of her other novels, The Girl Who Was Saturday Night, and Lullabies for Little Criminals. I have since read all three and I can’t get enough of this author. (She’s Canadian to boot!) I warn you, she is very dark and twisty. The subject matter is not light. However, her characters are so unique and loveable. Her use of simile and metaphor is playful and childlike. Her use of language is fantastical and startling. I never tire of her style and am easily absorbed. I do require a break from the intensity of subject matter though, especially after reading all three with only a bit of interference from some equally heavy non fiction, but if you’re looking for great works, I recommend whole heartedly checking out Heather O’Neill.
That’s it for this week, folks. I hope to have a more interesting series of photos and reflections to share next week once the pre trip frenzy settles and I’m into exploring the big Apple! ’til then.
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